Spring in Tuileries

Lands' End Coat || Thrifted Vintage Jacket (similar Chanel option, similar affordable option) || Lands' End Turtleneck || rag & bone Pants || Chanel Bag || Nine West Shoes
This jacket is easily one of my most prized obsessions. I bought it in a thrift store in Indiana, for only a few dollars, many years ago, when my obsession for Chanel was huge but my wallet was small. Though not actually a Chanel jacket, it looked close enough and was well made enough for me. The jacket has made several moves as well as several international trips with me, and even though I now own a true vintage Chanel jacket, this faux version is one I will always hold near and dear to my heart.
It was a rather cold and bleak day that we went out exploring the Tuileries so I piled on all of the warmest things in my suit case, including this jacket, and called it a day. I feel like this outfit ended up being more of a punch line to the joke "What's black and white and red all over?", but I promise that was totally unintentional. And wannabe Chanel jacket or not, I'd like to think Coco herself would approve...