Short Summer

Old Navy Tank (similar option here) + Shoes (similar option here) || One Teaspoon Shorts via Last Call || Chanel Bag || H&M Hat (similar option here)
Is it just me or does this feel like it's been the shortest summer ever?! I know it's a common theme for me to frequently be in shock of how quickly time truly flies, but seriously....August?!? Already????! Even the priest at our church felt it necessary to remind everyone on Sunday that the next day, Monday (yesterday) was the first day of August and the "END OF SUMMER!" I'd like to think he is horribly wrong and just has his calendar confused, but when you see kids getting ready to go back to school in a week, it's hard to disagree on Summer's demise.
Despite what the calendar is telling me, I'll always go by the temperature outside when it comes to getting dressed. Luckily for us, it stays pretty warm well into October. So while summer may be fading, my shorts and tank tops aren't going anywhere soon. Nor is this look. It has become my summer go-to style as it is simple and relaxed, nice and cool for hot days (but I can easily throw a sweater over it when it gets chilly), and it looks just put together enough without me actually having to try too hard. And after all, isn't that what summer dressing (whether it's actually in summer or not) is all about?!