What's Ahead for May 2018

A peek at what's coming up this month at RC HQ
Things I'm adding to my closet to WEAR all summer long
More Trader Joe's recipe hacks to EAT for dinner (since y'all loved last month' s so much!) and more citrus recipes (because I just can't get enough!)
Diving further into our LA Bucket List and WANDER-ing around LA
A full reveal of our outdoor DWELL-ing space
Ways to CELEBRATE summer
Since May is Mental Health Awareness month, I'll be diving more into this topic, what it means to me and sharing ways I've learned to cope with some of my own issues in WELLNESS
Continuing two Instagram-only campaigns this month, so if you're into beauty and/or wine, make sure you're following along so you don't miss out!
Working on taking more steps on a few new projects (that I so annoyingly keep mentioning but don't share any details on....I promise I will eventually!)
Since we've been on-the-go on lot lately, we're planning to keep our adventures local/West Coast this month. A weekend getaway may or may not also be in the works ;)
We're diving into even more home projects this month (They never end!), along with checking a few more restaurants off of our LA list, and finally settling on a new car (Yes, I mentioned this in last month's post! No, I did not think it would take us this long to pick a new car! Yes, buying a new car is hard! #adulting #champagneproblems).