What's Ahead for April 2018

Can we just take a second to process that it is now officially the second quarter of the year?! Someone please tell me it's an April Fools' Joke!
We've been incredibly busy BTS (behind-the-scenes) doing lots of things that lots of people probably don't even realize are a part of blogging, things like analytical analysis + forecasting + growth plans (Super amped for a few projects we're developing!) + budgeting + marketing strategies + data collection + all kinds of things involving spreadsheets (that, tbh, give me a headache so I pretty much hand them all off to Mr.RC). It's a lot of work doing backend upkeep + front-end creative tasks + keeping up with more and more client work. 1000% not complaining at all and couldn't be happier to call this all my life/work, but it doesn't take away from the fact that managing a growing business along with regular tasks is forever a practice in juggling allll the things. I had plans to expand the team last year, but when we decided to move, I put those plans on hold. However, business growth has (thankfully) not gone on hold, so we're back to figuring out the most effective and strategic ways to continue growing the team, and ultimately, the business.
Now that much of that biz shiz is out of the way, we'll be back to more regularly scheduled programming both here and on social. Be on the lookout for a few new series + features, the return of some old favorites plus more video content. I'm so excited for what we have planned and can't wait to share it all with you!
In the mean time, let me intro you to one of our first new RC series, "What's Ahead". Since the majority of the RC content calendar is planned out a month or two in advance, we thought it would be fun to share a sneak peek with you. So, at the beginning of every month (Ok, I realize we're getting a bit of a late start this month since it's already a few days into April! So sorry!), you can expect to see a post listing out the general detail of things like upcoming articles, travel plans, social-only campaigns to look out for and any other fun things to expect for the month ahead. Then, in Friday's weekly newsletter, we'll be breaking it down even further, with more specific details of exactly what you can expect to see the following week. In other words, if you haven't already, be sure to SIGN-UP FOR THE RC NEWSLETTER.
Hope you all enjoy this peek at what's to come. Let me know what exciting things you've got coming up in April (Buying warm weather clothes! Finally being able to enjoy a drink outside! Planting a garden!). Thank you, as always, for following along and the continued support. Cheers to April, spring and everything in between!
Basket bags to WEAR with all your summer outfits
Some recent BEAUTY favorites
A few recipes you'll be dying to EAT for Cinco de Mayo, a Trader Joe's hack dinner (that's gluten-free + veggie packed) and everyone's favorite, Mr. RC's Bar Cart, is rolling back through with a new margarita recipe
All the places we want to WANDER in LA (aka we're sharing our LA Bukcet List)
Easy ways to spruce up where you DWELL right now
I'll be kicking off two Instagram-only campaigns this month, a month-long project showcasing a few favorites from an Italian beauty brand I love, and a year-long ambassadorship with one of my favorite wines (First up with them will be a spring brunch-themed entertaining post.). I'll also continue sharing BEFORE + AFTER snaps, as overwhelmingly requested, on my stories. FOLLOW ALONG ON INSTAGRAM so you don't miss out on any of the exclusive content.
Shooting a couple of new exciting client campaigns, giving a few things around the site a spring refresh (i.e. things like header images and 'About Me' wording) and lots of research work for two new projects (Can't wait to share!).
Going to Florida (and Disney!) to visit family...it's our first time heading back to the east coast since our move, and I have to say, flights to Florida that are more than 2.5 hours is definitely something we're not used to! Also, never thought I'd say this living in California, but I'm pretty excited to escape to some (much) warmer weather!
We'll be busy finishing up lots of home projects all month long, exploring LA (Hikes! Dinner at Felix, finally! A trip to the Broad!), and shopping for a new car (#adulting) + we have a friend visiting from New York.