Simple Summer Style

Uniqlo Top || One Teaspoon Shorts via Last Call || Elina Lebessi Sandals c/o
I know what you’re thinking. Here goes Alyssa with another basic outfit again. Actually, you’re probably thinking more like “How is it already Monday? Where did the weekend go? Why do I not have an IV of coffee going into my arm?”. But after all of those thoughts, I know you’re totally thinking/judging me for another simple, basic outfit. Sorry not sorry??! I mean, I just can’t seem to help myself.
There’s a reason why simple always wins best, and it’s simply because it is the best. There’s no stressing, no trying to figure out what to put together or what matches what. You just throw something on and go. And let’s be honest, with the way my schedule (and I’m sure many of yours) has been, grabbing and going is about all that I have time for. This sweater doesn’t look like much, but it’s been super comfortable and so easy to wear for everything from rooftop evening hangs to meetings to working at my desk to the beach. Simple for the win yet again.