Happy Hour

{New food styling props make my little food blogger heart uber happy}
I feel like a took a breath and before I could even exhale September was over. It straight up flew by. October is already panning out to be another crazy month, what with our 2nd wedding anniversary and a trip to the Dominican Republic for one of my best friend's wedding. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all....
Speaking of a lot going on, there's been a lot of posts in the past couple days so if you haven't been around make sure you hop on over here to find some tips for taking your dresses into fall (hint: it involves jeans), go here to read (and share) a very important story that really touched me (love is bigger than hate y'all), and, of course, finish it all off with some chocolate (because what's better than chocolate?!).
{Picking raspberries this past weekend}
{A tote bag (c/o) that will be perfect for our upcoming trip to the Dominican Republic}
{Some of the pears and raspberries (mentioned above) at the orchard we went to}
{A sassy new fringe bracelet c/o}
{I know I usually try to be inspirational with my quotes, but I've seen this going around social media and I thought it was too funny not to share!}