Blue Booties

Joe Fresh Beanie // Forever 21 Sunnies & Scarf // J.Crew Shirt // Thrifted Coat // Vigoss Jeans c/o // Report Signature Booties via DSW c/o // Chanel Bag
Saturday was a brutal reminder, a reminder that I need to make like a bird and migrate south. It was the first time we had snapped outfit photos since the arctic temps had descended upon the city and it was also a brutal reminder just how horrible an idea outfit photos in the freezing cold actually are (#fashionbloggerproblems). I must have been drunk when I willingly volunteered myself to do something so ridiculous. I mean, it's hard enough for me to look put together on a normal day, but when it's below 30 degrees? Forget about it. Literally. Forget those 10 layers you'd normally be wearing, because no one wants to see a walking plaid marshmallow, no matter how trendy plaid is right now. Forget those UGGS, because even though they are like warm, fluffy little chariots for your feet, they are also "tres grande faux paus" in the eyes of many fashionistas. I know, I know. I brought this all on myself. But, aside from the blistering winds, dropping temperatures and severe cases of frostbite (ok, not quite), there are actually a few things that I've come to love about the arctic tundras of wintertime fashion shoots. Had it not been for cold photos, I wouldn't have learned to layer my many scarves. I wouldn't have pushed my fashion boundaries to the edge of my cold tolerance boundaries. And I'm about 99.9% positive that my feet would be indefinitely glued inside my UGGS, never allowing me to discover the beauty of things like blue booties, and let me tell you, blue booties (especially ones that are comfortable enough to walk the city streets all day) trump blue frostbite any day. Of course, you better believe I've not given up hope on a fashion blogger migration plan, but until then, I'll be using my blue booties to help me (bravely) conquer the cool city streets.