Alyssa Ponticello // In Good Taste

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Happy Hour

{At $3.50 a piece, yes $3.50 (say whaaaat?!), we decided to stock up on these pretty decanters for our bar (I couldn't find a link online but they're from H&M Home)}

I thought my favorite birthday present was going to be that Spring had finally arrived. I mean, I was able to walk around sans coat and everything last Wednesday. But apparently Spring is an Indian gift giver, and instead of sticking around, it went back into hibernation. There's even snow, yes snow, predicted for this Friday. Suffice it to say, Spring, I'm not happy with my tease of a birthday present!

In other news, did y'all (yes, visiting the south has brought back my y'all speaking days of college) catch Monday's post? It went up a little later than usual, but it's a good one so I want to make sure you didn't/don't miss it. In a nutshell, it was my favorite thing that we did in Charleston and, if you happen to be planning a visit there in the future, it's the one thing that you won't want to miss.

{Went spring shoe shopping and somehow ended up with only black pairs #nycproblems}

{Mr. RC took me to this old-fashion soda fountain in our neighborhood for a birthday dessert....if you live here, run, don't walk, to try the Mr. Potato Head! And yes, that is my head, peeking out from all that fabulous glassware!}

{Favorite snack/dessert as of late....what have you been snacking on? I need some new ideas!}

{No better time to try Milk Bar's b'day truffles than when they're free for your bday. FYI, they're just as good as everyone said they would be. And another FYI, no Chanels were hurt in the making of this picture....despite how it may look, the cake truffle is not resting on my bag!}
