Happy Hour

{Fall adventure essentials}
Can you believe that it's the last full week of October, or how quickly fall is passing by? I can't, although mother nature gave me a brutal reminder this weekend when it snowed. I know I've mentioned this only like 5,274 times already but like just in case you didn't hear me.....IT SNOWED! Like....what?????!!!! I was so excited to go to the Berkshires because I was thinking "Oh, it's fall and I want to see some foliage and eat some apple cider donuts!" But mother nature was all like "Fat chance! You're getting cold and snow!" Yeah, I wasn't too happy about it. I mean, it's pretty and all, but one season at a time please and thank you!
Luckily, the snow didn't last and, though the cold and wind stayed, we still managed to get quality foliage time (and apple cider donuts, duh!) on Sunday. We also got plenty of quality time with my Grandma, who, besides the Mr., may be my favorite person to hang out with ever. She's incredibly hilarious and sharp-witted, she's a master in the kitchen and the stories she has about family and days gone by are always so amazing to hear. There could have been zero foliage to see but we still would have considered our weekend to be a great one just from our time spent with her.
What's been the highlight of your week so far? Do you have any exciting fall plans for these last few days of October?
{When two seasons meet...if you look closely enough, especially around the pine tree, you can actually see the snow I mentioned up above! I'm so not ready for winter but the snow against the bright foliage sure looked pretty!}
{Fall fun and photos with my favorite person}
{A homemade pumpkin spice mocha...if you look closely enough you can even see a heart in the foam. I'd like to say it's because I have mad barista skills but really it was just fate and luck!}
{A perfect fall apple against a perfect fall background}
Faves from Around the Web
Literally drooling just staring at these divine and decadent photos
The cheese section at Trader Joe's is always a favorite of mine and while I've tried several of these, there are quite a few yummy ones that I need to add to my list ASAP
A cozy living room in a perfect color for fall
The song I currently have on repeat
Have you been to any of these top 40 cities in the world?