Happy Hour

{Aveda's new Wedding Eye and Face Masks c/o saving my face after travel}
Guys, let's just say, getting back into the swing of writing is harder than trying to find the socks your dryer keeps mysteriously "eating" (Ya'll know exactly what I'm talking about!). Like for real, it's hard as a mother trucker. I'm blaming it on what seems to be NYC's never ending 50 shades of grey. I mean, legit. I feel like it has been cold, rainy and grey since last year. Going to LA was a breath of fresh smog-filled air, but the sun, blue skies and palm trees made my soul feel refreshed and alive for the first time in a long time. But now it's back to NYC's 50 shades and the struggle could not be more real. I'll be fighting the winter blues, er greys in this case, with my continued weekly happy hours and/or looking to book a flight to LA or anywhere else warm and sunny as soon as humanely possible.
Are you guys suffering from the winter blues/greys? What are you doing (travel or otherwise) to escape them?
{Enjoying one last sunset from Venice last Wednesday}
{New red shoes that I can't stop wearing}
{A coffee date at Intelligentsia Coffee with one of my dearest blogging friends}
{A peaceful, albeit very cold, weekend getaway to another one of my dear blogging friend's cabin}