Still Here...

Hi guysssss! Remember me? I know, it's been a bit quiet around these parts (minus this goodness). But I'm still heeeeeeeere, promise. Truth be told, the last quarter of 2015 legit killed me. We're talking almost 18 hour days, almost every single day, running on so little sleep that even a jellyfish would have been tired, and more events and meetings than could fit in a calendar square. But I survived (in large part because of Mr. RC), and, as they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Or at least makes your calendar planning skills stronger ;) Suffice it to say, I basically just crashed for the first few weeks of January and am now in the fun phase of getting back into the swing of things (side note: it's not so fun). While things are still a little quiet on the blog front, here's a peek at what I've been up to both behind-the-scenes and in my personal life.
{Road tripped to Indiana for Christmas with the fam...}
{...and the chickens}
{Obviously, they love me...}
{Enjoyed the Christmas lights around the quaint town I grew up in}
{And enjoyed the perks of being home!}
{From the farm to the city (skies)...}
{Yes, it's true! I got to check "Fly in a helicopter around New York" off my bucket list thanks to Go Dream!}
{The views weren't too shabby...}
{...and neither was my co-pilot!}
{Went on lots of winter walks (Gotta burn off those holiday calories somehow!) and saw lots of winter sunsets}
{Enjoyed some healthy (and pretty) snacks}
{Slowed down to snap shots of favorite streets in our neighborhood}
{Worked from my new office away from my office}
{Rediscovered favorite spots and views around the city}
{Chatted with The Idle Man about fun things like the songs I currently have on repeat, my tip for growing an authentic Instagram following and the one thing I never want to see a guy wearing!}
{Stocked up on beauty faves both new and old (side note: I'm completely overhauling my skincare routine so if you have any recommendations and/or recommendations for places to get facials in NYC, help a sista out and let me know in the comments below!)}
{Took notes and made plans for all the things to come this year}
{And finally got some snow...granted, it wasn't quite as much as when we took his photo last year, but a girl can pretend right?!}
Tell me, what fun things have you been up to? Making goals and plans for the year ahead? Resting up and recuperating from last year? I want to know!