Life Lately

Hello and happy Monday! It's been a while since I've written those words here, hasn't it? Life has been, well, life. The holiday season completely wiped me out. I mean, like completely. Like sitting on the couch in an 8-hour-pajama-what-day-is-it-have-I-eaten-today daze wiped out. So, naturally, I thought I'd take a week off to unwind. And then all of a sudden, a week turned into two weeks, which turned into three weeks which turned into a month, which turned into me looking like I had all but given up on blogging (I swear I haven't).
You see, January was kind of a rough month. Instead of feeling like a fresh start to a new year, it just felt like one curve ball after another. It left little time for resting, self-reflection and regrouping. It also sucked every last drop of motivation and creative energy right out of me, so that even when I tried to get back into work, I just couldn't, and, consequently, I didn't. BUT....this is me saying sorry for leaving, this is my attempt at getting back into things and I promise I have lots of good things in store for you.
Also, can February be the new January? Because I need another fresh start....who's with me?!
P.S. Despite the less-than-ideal month, I still managed to squeeze in a few fun things of which I'm sharing some snaps and deets below. Enjoy!
Kicked off the month in a blizzard in CT...
Luckily, I had good company and a fireplace to keep us toasty and warm!
Finally tried Ost Cafe (Get the hot chocolate if you go!) for a meeting with two of my favorite Instagrammers...
Classic faves that I wore on repeat pretty much all of January...
Had my first taste of set life when I got to be an extra in our friend's tv show that is currently filming...
Added some new beauties to my shoe collection...
Celebrated my Nana's 98th birthday with her with a weekend visit to the Berkshires...
Crossed another breakfast place off my list while also getting to visit with another favorite lady from Instagram/blogging...
Hopped across the country to celebrate my bestie's 30th birthday in LA...
I was not mad at all about starting every day with views like this!
We made sure to catch plenty of rays...
Scope out our dream homes along the canals of Venice...
I finally tried my first In-N-Out burger...
And I spent about 3565894.239897 hours contemplating how I could move here...
...especially after I came back to freezing cold and snow. Luckily, a weekend away at our friend's cabin was the perfect way to ease back into things!