Salted Caramel No-Bake Pumpkin Pie with Pretzel Crust

I love pumpkin pie.
Extra whip always, please and thank you! But you know what I don’t love. Making traditional pumpkin pie. The whole setting thing just really gets me. Like it takes forever. And ain’t nobody got time to wait for forever when it comes to pie.
Which is why I’m such a fan of a no-bake pumpkin pie sitch. After discovering it a while ago, I basically haven’t looked back since. It’s so quick and easy to make and basically foolproof, too. The key? Using unflavored gelatin. It helps the pie set perfectly every time.
Over the years of making it, I’ve nailed down the perfect no-bake pumpkin pie filling that works with everything from a traditional pie crust to a graham cracker crust, but this year, I decided it was time to switch it up, just a tiny bit, with a few fun and simple delicious twists. Enter the salted caramel no-bake pumpkin pie with pretzel crust. Yes, I know, it’s a mouthful to say, but don’t let the name fool you. It really is quite simple and easy to make (you only need 10 ingredients). And wow! Is it delicious! I mean, you know if salted caramel is involved there’s no question that it’s going to be good. And, well, you know if salted caramel whipped cream is involved then it’s going to be EPIC!
This pie is literally all the good things you want it to be- a little salty, a little sweet, with the perfect mix of crunch and creaminess. The smooth as butter filling pairs perfectly with the contrasting crunchy crust (extra-thick crust I might add because extra-thick crust is the only way to go IMO) for a slice of pie that is just oh-so-good! And another great thing about this pie? Not only can you make it ahead, it actually should be made ahead so that it has plenty of time to set. So that’s one more thing crossed of your Thanksgiving to-do list ahead of time and one less thing you actually have to worry about day-of, which tbh, that in and of itself is a treat.
Salted Caramel Pumpkin Pie with Pretzel Crust
Salted Caramel No-Bake Pumpkin Pie with Pretzel CrusT
Serves 8-10
1 1/2 sticks (12 tbsps. total) unsalted butter
10 ounces mini pretzels
3 tablespoons brown sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons (the equivalent of 1 packet) of unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup water
3 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
Generous pinch of sea salt
1/4 cup of salted caramel sauce
1-14 ounce can of sweetened condensed
1-16 ounce can of pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1/3 cup salted caramel sauce
FOR SERVING (optional)
Extra pretzel pieces
Extra caramel sauce to drizzle on top
In a small skillet or pan, set over medium heat, melt the butter. For an extra delicious flavor, continue to cook the butter until it has browned. Set aside.
In a food processor, pulse the pretzels until they become fine crumbs. This should give you about 2 1/2 cups of pretzel crumbs.
To the pretzel crumbs, add the brown sugar and melted/browned butter. Pulse a few times, or until the mixture is well-combined and starts to form together.
Press firmly into the bottom and sides of a greased 9” pie pan. Place in the refrigerator until firm and you’re ready to add the filling (at least an hour). The crust can also be made a day in advance. Just be sure to cover with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator until you’re ready to fill it.
Whisk together the gelatin and water in a large pot set over medium heat until the gelatin has dissolved, about 1 minute.
Then, working quickly so that the gelatin doesn’t culp together, whisk in the pumpkin pie spice mix, salt, caramel sauce, condensed milk, and pumpkin puree and continue cooking and stirring continuously for about 5 more minutes, until the mixture is well-combined and smooth.
Remove from the heat and pour the filling into the prepared, chilled pretzel crust. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set, for a minimum of 4 hours (but ideally overnight).
To the bowl of a stand mixer, add the heavy cream. Beat on medium speed just until it starts to thicken slightly. Then pour in the caramel sauce and continue beating until soft peaks form.
Once the pie is set, slice and serve with a generous dollop of the salted caramel whipped cream. If you want to be even more decadent, drizzle with extra caramel sauce and sprinkled with some pretzel pieces. Enjoy!
If you don’t have, or can’t find, pumpkin pie spice mix, you can use just cinnamon instead.
To save time, you can always skip the homemade whipped cream and use store bought. Just be sure to drizzle with caramel sauce to get that extra caramel flavor.
Be sure to store any leftover pie and cream separately. The pie should be covered with plastic wrap and the cream should be kept in an airtight container and both should be stored in the refrigerator