Happy new month and happy March! I’m always thrilled to welcome in this month not only because it’s my birthday month (ok so I’m biased, sue me), but also because it brings with it a fresh, new season. And one that is just so light and bright and vibrant at that! And I don’t know about you but I think a little brightness is something we could all use right now…

In a lot of ways, I feel like the year doesn’t really fully start until March. At least for me. Because the thing is January feels a bit useless and chaotic as you try to get your life back on track post-holidays (and even more so this year, especially here in LA with the fires). February feels like the bleak capital of struggle city, and you’re in the depths of winter despair, trying to make sense of your life and organize the chaos in a way that helps you to move forward productively. But March, ah sweet March. That’s where the magic starts to happen and the pieces start to fall into place and color starts to return to your pale Casper-like body and life begins to feel fresh and new all over again and finally you feel like everything is falling back into place and maybe kind of actually going to be ok. Almost as if January and February are slower months, meant for hibernation, stillness, rest, reflection and resetting, before you spring (literally and figuratively) into action come March.

This shift to spring is truly such a magical time. With the first delicate blooms bursting to life, new produce popping up at the market (I spotted the first asparagus of the season this past weekend!), a softer, more ethereal light filtering through the days and sunsets that are happening later and later, it always feels like such a special time, and one that resuscitates my cold, sad body after the long winter and brings it back to life. I feel lighter, brighter, hopeful, alive!!! I hope this season is doing the same for you!

girl in floor length yellow dress in a garden
minimal european cheese plate




“The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things.”- Hans Christian Andersen


Check out my MARCH BOARD to see all the light, bright, golden + green goodness that’s inspiring me as we head into the spring season


As I mentioned in my Editor’s Note, above, this past weekend at the farmer’s market I saw the first asparagus of the season and it made me so excited for zesty, vibrant dishes, bright greens and fresh produce. Think lemons, snap peas, carrots, arugula, passion fruit. I’m craving dishes that are bright and springy but still cozy and comforting, after all, as the calendar not so kindly reminds us, it is technically still winter for 19 days (not that anyone’s counting or anything). Here are a few of my favorites that I’m turning to this month-

  • CREAMY LEMON PASTA- If you’re like me and you’ve got loads of lemons in your kitchen right now, this is a perfect recipe to use some of them up. It’s light and fresh and springy, but still cozy enough for the nights when winter decides it isn’t quite done with us yet. It’s super simple to make, easy enough for a week night, but definitely still special enough for a weekend, dinner guests and date nights.

  • CRISPY CHICKEN WITH FENNEL, ORANGE AND OLIVES- Going to continue making my favorite chicken for as long as fennel continues to be in season

  • SLOW ROASTED TURMERIC SALMON WITH CRISPY COCONUT, NAPA CABBAGE + RICE- If you’re looking for something easy, unique and packed with flavor and nutrition, then this is the dish for you.

  • POPOVER EGGS BENEDICT- A beautiful and delicious twist on the classic eggs benedict that’s perfect for a spring (and Easter) brunch

  • RICOTTA PANNA COTTA- I can’t get enough of this simple and elegant dessert; this month, I want to make it and top it with fresh passion fruit in place of the raspberry sauce

  • CARROT CAKE- ‘Tis the season for carrot cake! Mine is made using the leftover juice pulp from carrot juice because waste not want not, but also because it makes a darn good moist cake!

  • THE CYPRIOT OLIVE OIL COCKTAIL- A light, bright cocktail that’s vibrant and fresh and perfect for this season


This podcast episode was such an excellent listen, especially if you work in marketing and media and I’ve got this episode on my “To Listen” list as I’m obsessed with all things Flamingo Estate. Also, after our week out in Joshua Tree last month I’ve been really into this playlist.




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