Happy Hour

{Finally checked the aquarium and Coney Island off of our NYC bucket list...only took us 5 years!}
Happy half-way-to-Friday peeps! I've been checking off all sorts of lists around here and I have to say, there really is nothing more satisfactory than striking a line through a to-do. Unless you aren't OCD, then it's probably just a big waste of time (at least that's what Mr. RC likes to tell my OCD-self). Our checked-off list includes everything from big work projects to small house to-do's to city bucket lists. That last one feels extra-satisfactory as we've finally managed to cross things off that have been on our list since we moved to NYC. For those of you not keeping track, that would be 5 years ago. Yes, it really took us a whole 5 years to visit Coney Island, ride bikes in the city and catch Stonehenge. As the saying goes, better late than never...
How about you? Checking anything/lots of things off your to-do list as of late?
{An outtake from Monday's post down the infamous Minetta Lane (and by infamous, I actually mean insta-famous as everyone and their mom takes their Instagram photos there)}
{Of course, you can't go to Coney Island and not have Nathan's...even if you have to wait 45 minutes for it!}
{This lobster bracelet (c/o) that I love for so, so many reasons! Of course, I LOVE lobster so the charm is perfect for me and I love the crisp white leather band, especially for summer. However, I also love that the company who makes the bracelet, Delicacies, combines two of my favorite things, food and fashion, into one. I love that each charm promotes and invokes various things (for example, the lobster promotes protection, renewal, strength & perseverance). Most importantly, I love that every bracelet purchased creates "Delicacies Dollars", aka money that is donated to a nonprofit organization that is fighting hunger. Check out more of their story and all their different charms (They make a great gift!) over on their site!}
{The prettiest flowers from our local farmer's market}
We watched this movie over the weekend and I absolutely loved it! Except now I've added "Open restaurant in small French town" to my ever-growing list of dreams, much to the dismay of Mr. RC...
Can't stop listening to "Kicks" by Lauren Aquilina (Thanks to MK for the recommendation!)
Need a good laugh? Watch this
How I wish I could have my coffee every morning
So much yes to every one of these
Always nice to hear a good story about good people doing good things, especially these days...
A simple & chic item on my summer wish-list
Currently reading this book