Happy Hour

{Bloggers, baubles & beverages with Michelle at North River Lobster Company}
I know it's not officially summer for some time yet, but I can't help getting excited for the season once Memorial Day has happened. While this past weekend was nice and sunny, it was also rather chilly out (read: heat turned up, long-johns on, warm beverages in hand), at least where we were (Montauk). Needless to say, the brisk weather isn't exactly getting me into the summer spirit. But a few summery drinks, some seafood, a few gorgeous sunsets and a little reminiscing on summers past is helping. As I enter the last summer of my twenties, I've been particularly nostalgic for previous summers, whether it's the carefree ones of my childhood in the Berkshires, the ones I spent working away in the middle of Kansas, or the one I spent driving around the country with my family. As I creep closer to closing the door on my twenties, I become more conscious of making every moment of life count, and this summer is no different. Here's to a summer full of late nights, early beach mornings, eating an ocean full of seafood, long road trips, starting the days with coffee and ending them with champagne, easy and breezy dresses, and, most importantly, adding a whole lot more memories to the summer folder.
{A visit to the lobster boat is a summer must}
{Sunset at the edge of Montauk}
{Currently crushing on these summer sandals}
{A bit of nostalgia found in our neighborhood}