Happy Hour

Thank you all for your comments on Monday's post. I loved, LOVED, loved hearing how you are all motivating yourself to become better people in this new year (I just might be snagging a few of your ideas for myself!). It's so nice not only from an accountability stand point but also a community stand point to see that we're all working hard to be the best versions of ourselves in 2015! Yay!
We started the New Year off with a bang, quite literally. After a night of hors d'oeuvres, bubbly, and scrabble (I am unbearably aware of how old this makes us), we bundled up in 10,000 layers and headed to the water's edge in our neighborhood to catch the fireworks shattering over Lady Libs right as the clock struck midnight. It was bitter cold but totally worth it. The year may have only just begun, but those fireworks, dazzling in the midnight sky, were a great reminder of all the bright and exciting things ahead!
{The reason I mainly shop for Christmas things after Christmas? The crazy good sale prices! I scored these napkin rings for $1.50 each at Sur La Table (I can't find the link online, but they have other holiday things on sale for 75% off). I also got these, plaid mugs that match this, and some ornaments.}
{I loved all of my Christmas gifts this year, but this cutting board was, hands down, my favorite because it was handmade by my little brother. I know several of you loved these, which he also made, so we here at Runway Chef headquarters are working hard to get his "momager" to allow him to sell his handmade wooden pieces on our site. We'll keep you updated when we get a deal negotiated ;)}
{Oversized gold clips make organizing my DIY binder planner much more fun}
{Couldn't let one of my favorite fruit seasons go by without documenting it! Who else loves blood oranges?}
{2015 motto via}