Happy Hour

{Palm tree views}
We got back from the Domincan Republic late Monday night and by Tuesday afternoon I was already buried deep in hundreds of emails, several work events, and piles of luggage. Because we were gone for such a short time I chose to completely go off the grid (I may or may not have had Instagram withdrawals for the first 24 hours). I had forgotten what it was like to eat food as soon as your plate arrives (as opposed to 15 snaps, 7 edits, 2 filters and 1 Insta later). Getting dressed is a heck of a lot easier when you aren't perfectly arranging every accessory you own to get that perfectly perfect shot. I know nothing says romance like a sunset, the beach, and those three little words (best. instagram. filter), but trust me when I say, sometimes those beach sunsets are better without the 3rd wheel (aka phone). No guy wants to lean in for a kiss, only to hear you say "Babe! What Instagram filter do you think makes this sunset look the best?....Oh. You were trying to kiss me? Ok, lemme just finish up this Instagram real quick. Give me like 6 shots, a few edits in my editing app, 10 minutes to think of a good # (can you help me with that? Like, can you maybe look up some good words that would make funny #'s?), and basically 10 centuries to determine if my picture is good or not, k? Kthanksloveyouyourethebest!" Suffice it to say, shutting off was good for the soul. But it certainly made getting back into the swing of things extra difficult. Good thing me and my gypsy soul are always plotting the next getaway....
{A new cookbook from one of my favorite restaurants}
{My happy place- turquoise water and white/pink sand}
{Loved these giant silverware pieces hanging in the kitchen at My Cooking Party}
{New plaid scarves for cooler weather}
{Quote via}