Favorite YouTube Workouts // Edition 2.0

I rarely workout in a gym.
Occasionally, I’ll take a class here or there. But, as a general rule of thumb, I’m a home/YouTube workout video kind of gal. That, combined with a good set of weights, and lots fo hikes and beach walks, are my preferred methods for staying in shape.
I recently shared a clip of me doing one of my favorite at-home workout videos over on my Instagram stories, and, to my surprise, I got quite a few responses. So, consequently, I thought I should share an old post listing out some of my favorite YouTube workout channels. But, after taking a closer look, I realized it needed a bit of an update {I still use a lot of the same channels, but there have been tons of new videos put out since I wrote that post}. Upon polling the people, many of you were in favor of a 2nd edition of the post, which makes sense given that, like me, many of you also prefer to workout from the comfort of your own home {also found out thanks to the handy dandy IG poll feature}. So, here you have it, a round-up of my favorite YouTube workout videos that you’ll find me pressing play on over and over again because they deliver results every.single.time. Did I mention they’re all free, too?! In other words, you basically have no excuse to not workout ever again
P.S. Hop over to this post to see a list of my favorite YouTube workout channels. Also, if you’re looking for a good set of adjustable weights that don’t take up a lot of room {aka they’re apartment/small space living friendly}, this is the weight set we have and love!
For YOGA, I am obsessed with this video {I do it at least once a week} or this one for a combo workout. For 10 minute yoga workouts I like this one or this one, and for yoga abs I like this video.
For PILATES, I love doing either this video or this one.
For BOXING, I am obsessed with all of Christa DiPaolo’s videos, but especially enjoy doing this one, this one and this one {I do at least one, if not both, every week}.
For DANCE, I’ve been obsessed with this DanceBody routine. Bonus- it’s only 20 minutes! Short + sweet!
For ABS, my favorite killer 5-minute video seems to have been removed, but this one is from the same instructor and is equally as good, and just as much of a killer core workout. Unfortunately, it’s just longer {it’s 10 minutes instead of 5}, which, I guess could be a good thing, depending on how you look at it haha. I also like the yoga abs video I mentioned above, especially because it’s quick 5 minute workout.
For ARMS, if I’m not doing my own routine, I do this video.
For BUTT, this one is a total booty booster {and it’s super short workout, too}.
For a good COMBO workout {mix of cardio + toning}, I recently started doing this video.
For NO-EQUIPMENT workouts {aka they’re also good to do when traveling}, this one never fails to make me sweat.
For the Times I’m SHORT ON TIME {i.e. workouts under 10 minutes}, I love doing this one and this one {both boxing videos}, but I also love this yoga video and this one {both mentioned above, as well}.