A Couple of Stripes

ON HER: BCBG Blazer || Armor Lux Shirt || Vigoss Denim c/o || Adidas Sneakers || Chanel Bag || Parisian Baguette ;)
ON HIM: Armor Lux Shirt (different color option here) || Old Navy Denim || Adidas Sneakers
What's that saying? The couple that...stripes together...and wears the same shoes....stays together?! Or is it that they belong in a mental institute?! Whatever it is, we are that couple. #noshameinourgame
Right around the corner from where we were staying in Paris, we walked by a store of stripes. We were coming back from late night drinks so the store was (obviously) closed, but we made a mental note to come back the next day. HELLO, a store of stripes?! How could I not????! I mean, let's be real, if they were renting out their back room on Airbnb, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have set up shop (pun not intended) in there for the long haul.
Moving right along, we made it back to the store, I proceeded to lose my mind over allllllllllll the striped things (OMG so many striped things), we discovered there was a sale (Is this real life?!), and then I proceeded to try on 5 bazillion two shirts while simultaneously trying to maintian my cool in front of the very nice store owner (I didn't want him thinking I was just another "dumb American tourist", after all). During our time in the store we found out that the shirts are made right in France, in Brittany, the home of the Breton stripe, to be exact. The company, Armor Lux, has actually been around and creating clothing since 1938. Style, history, quality, stripes....I was like a kid in a candy shop! Obviously, we couldn't NOT get a few shirts.
After our purchase, we made the impromptu decision that said shirts HAD to be photographed while we were still in Paris, so we did the most Parisian thing we could (aka we acted in the most American-tourist-pretending-to-be-Parisian way) and grabbed a fresh baguette from our favorite place before walking over to the Eiffel Tower. A true Breton striped shirt, made in France, a French baguette still warm in my hands, and a view of the Eiffel Tower, all at one time, on my 30th birthday no less...my heart did more happy dances than I thought was humanely possible, and again, I wondered, is this real life?!
Who knew that some stripes and bread, and matching outfits with your significant other could bring so much happiness...