2019 Recap

2019 Recap
I’m not going to lie.
I thought I’d be writing this recap from a different place. No, literally. I thought I would be anywhere but sick on my couch for NYE. Ohhhh, you thought I meant a different place mentally and emotionally? Yeah, well I thought I’d be there, too.
I’m not going to sugar coat it, this year has left me feeling a little worse for the wear. While I can certainly find the positives {celebrating my Grandma’s 100th birthday, tripling my revenue, moving into a cute little bungalow in Venice, visiting Australia}, I’ve also spent much of the year feeling like I’m drowning. Drowning in my in-box, drowning in my to-do lists, drowning in my suitcase, drowning in client work, drowning in real estate listings, drowning in moving boxes, drowning in keeping up, drowning in content, have I mentioned drowning?! As a result, I’ve gotten sick more times than I think I ever have, I feel like I’ve been in a continuous state of burnout and my communication {email, texts, what have you between both friends, family and clients alike} has reached all time lows {aka I don’t think I’ve ever had so many unanswered texts and emails}. I’m less than proud.
Of course, it seems incredibly fitting that I’m ending this year sicker than I’ve ever been. If that’s not a sign to slow down, then I don’t know what is. So, as the saying goes, out with the old, and in with the new. Translated into my terms- out with the sick and drowning and in with the positive and doggie paddling {or at least that’s what I’m hoping for, but at this point I’ll even settle for a competitive swim}. Here’s to a more easy-going 2020!
Thank you for sticking around for another year of Runway Chef and Happy New Year! xx
Celebrating my Grandma’s 100th birthday
Checking Australia off my bucket list
Taking my first solo international flight
Tripling my revenue
Exploring more of California
Moving into a charming little bungalow in a great neighborhood in Venice
hitting purchase on something I’ve been saving for, working towards and promising myself I’d buy once I hit some big financial goals with my business
Finally starting a proper business investment account