Three Easy Ways to Spice Up Brunch

There's nothing quite like a Saturday or Sunday morning at home, padding around in a cozy robe and slippers, relaxing music playing softly in the background, with the warm and inviting smell of coffee brewing and the enticing sizzling of bacon cooking in a pan. Weekend brunch, especially at home, is a scenario that never gets old.
With how frequently the Mr. and I like to make brunch at home, we're always looking for ways to spice things up or add more flavor to our recipes without having to put in a whole lot of effort (because, let's be honest, after working hard all week, the last thing I want to do is work hard for my breakfast come the weekend). To do this, we rely on products that are premium and high quality but multi-purpose and functional. One such product is Maille mustards. We always, always, always have at least one jar in our fridge as we use it to add flavor to just about everything but our coffee. You could in fact say that the mustard is our kitchen's flavor hero.
I thought it would be fun to share a few of the seriously easy ways we use Maille's products to spice up our brunch, because I'm all about making #2017brunchgamestrong a reality for everyone. I'd love to hear what fun, easy things you do to spice up your own brunch or cooking. Let me know in the comments below and make sure you enter your tip (using Maille products) into Maille's #FlavorHeroes contest (Scroll to the bottom of this post to enter, because, um, hello! You could win Le Creuset pieces!).
Bloody Mary's || Spice up your bloody mary by adding a spoonful of pickle juice from Maille Cornichons (I like to use the Cayenne Chili Pepper flavor) as well as a little Maille Dijon mustard. Stir, then garnish with cornichons. Simple Salad || Jazz up a basic vinaigrette by mixing in a few teaspoons of Maille mustard. I'm particularly fond of using their Old Style flavor as I like the texture the graininess of the mustard adds to the salad. For an easy salad garnish, and some additional crunch, garnish with Maille Cornichons.
Faux Hollandaise || One of my favorite brunch tricks is whipping up a quick and easy faux hollandaise sauce, no eggs or butter required. What is required, though, is a good dijon, like Maille's, to really make the flavors of this sauce work. Besides a little mustard, you need equal parts mayonnaise and Greek yogurt, a squeeze of lemon juice and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Then stir, and serve.
Thank you to Maille for sponsoring today's post.