Photos from the Grand Canyon

I'll never forget the first time I saw it. The Grand Canyon. I was 9 1/2 years old and halfway through a 2-month, around-the-country road trip with my family. I don't remember all the details- it was hot, it was busy and I was intrigued by the donkeys carrying people along a path so narrow it seemed almost non-existent down to the bottom of the canyon- but I do remember that my breath was completely taken away. 20+ years later, walking up to the edge of the rim and looking out into the vastness of the canyon, my reaction was exactly the same.
The Grand Canyon was a highlight from that family trip all those years ago and one of the few spots that really made an impression on my young mind (along with the cacti "taller than buildings" in Arizona, the turqoiuse in Santa Fe and the coast of California), so I was ecstatic to be able to go back and experience it again as an adult.
Both trips to the Grand Canyon have left me in complete and total awe. And both experiences have made me realize that just one day at the canyon isn't nearly enough. I mean, I could spend an entire day just sitting at the edge, getting lost in the colors and curves and layers and formations that make up the beauty that is the canyon. But I'd love to make it to the base and check out the river or go camping or ride the train. I'm hoping that, becasue the west coast is now home base, we'll be making it back to do those things sooner rather than later.
In the mean time, I wanted to share a few photos, as well as our vlog, from the Grand Canyon. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when it comes to the Grand Canyon, I don't think it matters. You could have a thousand pictures and videos and it still wouldn't do this place the justice that it deserves. It's truly just THAT grand. So, while I do hope you enjoy these pictures and the video, I hope even more that at some point you'll get to visit this natural masterpiece to enjoy it firsthand.
1. Buy your park passes before you go so you can skip the line and arrive early, really early.
2. Pack a picnic. There are so many beautiful spots to enjoy a picnic within the park so you'll regret it if you don't. I know we did. And yes, there are plenty of spots to buy food within the park limits, but options are overpriced and very spread out. We ended up grabbing sandwiches from a spot right outside the park entrance and they were delicious and really affordable. They even package everything up in a picnic set for you so they're perfect for taking into the park (something I wish we had known beforehand).