March Reading List

A while ago, I started sharing blog posts with the books I was currently reading and/or hoping to read. But naturally, when I stopped having time to read, I also stopped having books to write about (Funny how that works, right?). I recently came to the realization that I probably stopped having time to read books because I was actually just "reading" captions in the black hole known as Instagram. For the sake of my health, well-being, sanity and probably my brain cells, I've slowly started reverting back to reading books instead of blurbs. To keep me on track, I've decided to get back into sharing my reading lists here on the blog. Also, because, let's be honest, I know I'm not the only one that could use more books and less Instagram in their lives.
So, without further ado, here's what's on my reading list for March:
Georgia || Based on Georgia O'Keeffe's love life...I was intrigued by the story as she is my all-time favorite artist so I couldn't help grabbing the book for my trip to LA back in January. I've loved what I've read so far and can't wait to finish it up this month.
Big Little Lies || I know me and every other person out there is probably trying to read this book right now for no other reason than the fact that it's now a show on HBO. We started watching the show this past weekend, and I love it so much that I know I need to read the book, too (fingers crossed it isn't one of those situations where the book is better than the show/movie thereby ruining said show/movie).
My Husband's Wife || I've heard if you like Gone Girl then you'll definitely like this book. I have yet to actually read Gone Girl (so maybe I should have started with that one first), but either way, I'm still excited to pick this one up.
The Slight Edge || Naturally, I couldn't resist adding a self-help book to the list, because, well, why not? I've heard from multiple people how much they loved this one so I can't wait to check it out and start getting a "slight edge" on life.
Let me know if y'all have read any of these and what you think of them, or what you're currently reading, as I'm always on the lookout for more good books to add to my list!