Happy Hour

{Making gingerbread cookies}
Well, it worked. I got some snow after I ranted on and on about not having any last week. Sadly, it was barely here long enough for me to step outside and enjoy it. But it did motivate me back into more festive spirits. Of course, baking cookies, enjoying more of the Christmas lights in our neighborhood, and listening to carols by our tree didn't hurt, either. Also, can we talk about the fact that Christmas Eve is one week from today?! Holy red santa claus! I am so not ready! If you're still gift searching (like me, per usual), don't forget to check out my gift guides, Hostess Gift Ideas, Grab Bag/ Secret Santa Gifts, an easy DIY gift, and the Rugged Retro Men's Gift Guide, for more ideas.
{Brown paper packages tied up with string}
{Birch bark for Christmas decorating...full decoration reveal coming Friday}
{An early Christmas present (seen in the Grab & Gift Gift Guide) that I'll be especially thankful to have on next week's 11 hour drive}
{These scentsicles (c/o) have been filling our whole apartment with one of my favorite scents of the season}