A Healthy Balance for a Healthy New Year

Happy New Year, friends! How’s 2017 treating you so far? Have you set your visions and goals for the year ahead? It’s ok if you haven’t because, I’ll let you in on a little secret, I haven’t fully either. But how about we make a Segura Viudas toast that we’ll all get them set by the end of this week? And yes, I know NYE was this past weekend, but that isn’t stopping me from popping bottles and toasting all year long. I promise, I’m not as crazy as I sound.
Although I haven’t fully set my 2017 goals, one thing that I have done already is restore a bit of balance in the food/fitness areas of my life. I know you’re probably thinking “Oh great! Another ‘I’m joining a gym/losing x amount of pounds/cutting out carbs resolution’.” But, I mean, let’s be real, those are so been-there-done-that. And seriously, do you guys really think I’m that cliché (or that committed to a gym?)?! Also, I don’t believe in resolutions. But I do believe in re-centering and re-focusing on what is essential in life and for me, that’s having balance. Being healthy and fit is super important to me, but so is enjoying life. Because, I mean, if you aren’t enjoying life, well, then, what’s the point?
We’ve already established that you’ll never find me in a long-term relationship with the gym, and, if you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, then you probably know I won’t be giving up my sweets/carbs/wine anytime soon. But balance = moderation, and after the holidays, that’s something I could definitely use. Here’s a few of the ways I’ll be re-balancing my health and fitness this year:
Make Fitness Fun Again || While we have a gym in our building, doing the same few workouts has started to feel more like a chore and less like fun. No matter how cold it is, I want to get outside and be more active (especially since we have the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge park right by our home) as well as incorporate some fun new workout classes offered around the city.
Detox || Drink more hot lemon water, take more Epsom salt baths, do more detoxifying yoga, etc
Treat Yo’ Self || I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m all about balance. Where’s the fun in the fitness if you can’t treat yo’ self? So that’s exactly what I’ll be doing, whether it’s with a square of dark chocolate or a little sparkling wine/cava, such as Segura Viudas USA. One thing I love about this brand is that they offer mini bottles of both the brut and rosè cava, so you can indulge without feeling like you’ll be tempted to drink another glass (or two). It’s also great mixed, in equal parts, with kombucha (I like using a fruit flavored one) and garnished with fruit and/or hibiscus flowers. The result is a drink that is equal parts healthy, delicious and fun. I mean, talk about balance, right?
Make Mental Health a Priority || I always feel better when I have a few quiet minutes a day to just be, to just think, to clear my head. Making this a regular thing, along with quiet time for journaling, reading and mediation/prayer, are essential to mental well-being, which in turn is essential to an overall balanced healthy well-being.
Eat Plant-Based Meals || The Mr. and I started incorporating more plant-based meals into our menu last year and I loved the way they made me feel, the energy they gave and also that they didn’t ever make me feel like I was on a diet or sacrificing taste and flavor. I want to continue incorporating more plant-based dishes into our lives this year and finding new and exciting ways to cook with plants.
How are you finding balance in your food and fitness in the new year?
Thank you to Segura Viudas USA for sponsoring today’s post.