Fall Charcuterie + Cheese Board

Charcuterie and cheese boards. So.much.goodness. and all in one place. I mean, if this isn't what life dreams are made of, then I don't know what is.... As a lifelong cheese advocate, and someone who just can't seem to resist a slice (or 5) whenever it's around, I'm all about having free reign on a board that is covered in nothing but cheese (oh yeah, and a few other things). I mean, no one can tell me to stop at just 2 pieces when the cheese is my entire meal, right?! PUH-lease tell me you feel the same way about these boards of divine deliciousness! Of course, my other favorite thing about these beauties is not only how easily they can be assembled, but also that they can be adapted to whatever season it happens to be. Like this one that is loaded down with the goodness of fall. Though no cooking is required, this spread will still be sure to wow guests. And with so many festivities coming up (Hello Halloween & Thanksgiving!) couldn't we all use a few more no-cook, guest-impressing dishes in our back pocket?
Autum Charcuterie & Cheese BoardThis is more of a guideline than a recipe so feel free to make adjustments or substitutions as you like
2-3 cheeses (I love Gouda, smoked or regular, and this apple goat cheese is another great option)
2-3 fruits (pears and apples are a given this time of year, but I also love grapes, figs and dates)
2 types of crackers (I used rye crisps and the pumpkin cranberry crackers from Trader Joe's)
2 nuts (pictured here are walnuts and roasted pumpkin seeds, but hazelnuts and pecans are two other yummy options)
1-2 meats (hard sausages work very well)
1 squash, cut into pieces and roasted (my favorite is delicata squash...the skin is edible meaning you don't have to peel it before preparing it [total time saver] and it gets golden, crispy and sweet...I can it like candy, it's so good!)
Assemble the ingredients on a board, pour some wine (or a good cocktail...these pair nicely!) and enjoy!