Cheers to Two Years

It feels like just yesterday that I picked up blogging again and yet somehow it's already been two whole years since Runway Chef began. It's been a lot of blood (ok, maybe not quite), sweat (posing for photos and cooking up treats is hard work) and tears (blogging ain't easy), but it's also been an incredibly fun journey.
I have made, and continue to make, friends with some of the most talented, inspiring and pretty ladies on the internet. I have learned so much about myself, what I'm capable of, and what I'm truly passionate about (and also what I'm not...I'm looking at you accounting files). I've also learned that I'm passionate about 5.6789 million things, which would explain why I switched majors like 6 times in college. I've learned that a girl can truly never have enough shoes....or bags...or clothes....or make-up....or jewelry (although I kind of already knew this one, blogging just solidified it). I've learned that people like to say 'No' an awful I've learned to say 'Yes' to never taking 'No' for an answer. I've gotten to experience some crazy cool things (ummm hi magazine photo shoot), and some not so cool things (I'm looking at you again accounting). And if you look back through some of my first posts (which I would highly advise if you're in need of a laugh), you will see that I have learned an awful lot about food photography.
Oh, and moms apparently do know best.....mine told me for years that I had a talent for writing (I was a straight A student in English, despite the fact that I hated writing at the time). 15 years later and I realize she might have been onto, there is nothing I enjoy more than creating and writing stories.
The biggest lesson I've learned, though, is that I have an incredible support team. None of this would be possible with out my loving, always supportive, hard-working, business-savvy, intelligent, photog, taste-tester husband. And of course my family, who may not fully know what I do half the time or even what a blog really is, but who are constantly supportive and excited for me none-the-less. And last, but not least, I thank all of YOU for all the comments, e-mails, Facebook fan page liking, Twitter following, and Instagram loving....I would do this whole blogging thing with or without you guys, but you sure make it a whole lot more fun! Also, you put up with my ridiculous I-think-I'm-funny-but-I'm-totally-not ramblings....and pictures like this....
A thank you is the least I could do....Cheers to two years!