Alyssa Ponticello // In Good Taste

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5 Current Beauty Favorites

One of the perks of my job, 

is that I get sent a plethora of beauty products. Quite frankly, I never expected to get much more than a mailbox of bills as an adult, so, even though I get a few, shall we say, interesting items, at times, I'll still take beauty over bills any day. Plus, it allows me to test things out and then spill the deets with all of you.

These 5 current beauty favorites are a mix of products I've been using for a while now, some purchased, some gifted (but I'll be purchasing once I'm out). Gifted or purchased, I truly love each and every one of them. With more new beauty items on the market than ever, I know it can be easy to throw around the names of products that are trending or exciting. But I also know it can take a while to see the true effects a product has (especially when it comes to skin), and, especially with super-senstivie skin (aka what I have), so I don't take recommending things lightly. In other words, I ain't playing with my recommendations below.

What are some beauty products you're loving lately? Have you tried any of the items on current beauty favorites list?

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