25 Ways to Give Back This Fall

I love a good seasonal to-do list.
And I’m particularly fond of ones for fall and winter, because they usually include an abundance of cozy things, baked goods, warm scents and delicious treats. But let’s be real, for the most part, they’re the same every year. Pick apples. Make a pumpkin pie. Look at foliage. I love all those things as much as the next BWG, but let’s be real, the last thing the great wide web needs is another fall to-do list. But a list of things you can do for other’s this fall? I’m here for it. And I hope you are, too. So I’m kicking off the First Day of Fall with the first official “All in Good Giving” post- 25 Things to do for Others This Fall. Let’s take the bounty that this season is known for, and share it with those around us, those less fortunate, and those that just need a little cheering up. Not to get all cheeseball on you, but I have a feeling doing even one of these things will warm you more this fall than any cozy blanket ever will.
P.S. Curious to learn what “All in Good Giving” is about? You can found out all the details in this post.
What are some of your favorite fall activities to do for others, or ways to give back this season?
Buy a PSL…for the person behind you (or whatever their seasonal beverage of choice is)
Send a box of fall goodies (you can include things like a mini pumpkin, pumpkin muffin mix, new cozy socks, a fall scented candle, etc) to a friend, family member, someone stationed abroad, etc
Gather gently used or new sweaters and bring them to a homeless shelter
Make soup at a soup kitchen and help serve it
Buy a mum (or other fall flower) for a neighbor, friend, elderly person, a nursing home or someone who is house-bound
Bring fall activities to a local nursing home or children’s hospital- think pumpkins, helping paint or carve pumpkins with patients, costumes for kids, and handing out candy or festive cards
If you’re making a cozy dinner, double the recipe and bring some to a neighbor
Bake someone an apple pie or pumpkin bread or other seasonal treat
Purchase (or donate gently used) halloween costumes to a shelter or an organization that provides costumes for kids that otherwise might not be able to afford them (This is one organization I found that does that.)
Pick up apple cider donuts for your co-workers
Offer to take someone who might not be able to drive (whether it’s because they don’t have a car or license, or perhaps they have a disability) leaf peeping
Treat a friend or family member to apple picking
If you have kids, consider having them get involved with this trick-or-treat program, or donating some of their trick-or-treat candy to soldiers stationed abroad
If someone you know is sick, bring them homemade soup, a cozy blanket and a good fall book
Offer to rake leaves or clean up the yard of someone who might not be able to (single parent, elderly person, a Vet, etc)
Help an elderly individual (like a grandparent) clean up their home and get it ready for fall (i.e. if they need to do things like bring heavy blankets out of storage, change out window screens, etc)
Leave a mug + either hot chocolate or spiced apple cider mix on a co-workers desk
Buy someone a pumpkin (and, for an extra step, leave it anonymously, with a sweet note, on their doorstep)
Offer to watch a friend’s kids for a few hours + do things like go on a hay ride, visit a pumpkin patch or corn maze, paint pumpkins, bake pumpkin treats or make Carmel apples with the kids
Throw a festive gathering, such as pajamas, pizza and fall/Halloween movies, bonfire, whiskey and s’mores, a costume party, a pumpkin beer or hard cider tasting, etc, but instead of having friends bring a bottle of wine or something to eat, set up collection box and ask them to donate $5 or $10 for a charity, or ask them to each bring a non-perishable food item for a local food shelter OR host a girls’ pampering night but instead of having friends bring anything, again ask friends to donate, but this time in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness, to help provide mammograms for women in need
If you know someone who just moved into a new home, bring them mulling spices or a seasonally scented candle
Get involved with a local group to help tutor under-privilged kids
Switch one of your typical walks/runs/bike rides for a charity one benefitting breast cancer awareness (Bonus points for getting friends involved, too.)
Thank a Vet on Veteran’s Day- consider mailing a card or small gift to a Vet you know, or donate books to a vet’s center
Surprise your significant other with a fall date day- apple cider or pumpkin donuts, a drive to look at fall foliage, a corn maze and pumpkin patch extravaganza, then finishing with pumpkin carving, pumpkin beers and homemade chili