10 Things to Always Pack for a Road Trip

Thanks to California Almonds for sponsoring today's post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Whether you’ve been following me for a while or not,
it only takes a quick glance at the “Wander” tab to know that Mr. RC and I are big fans of road trips. Whether it’s this country or another, east coast or west, or even last year’s coast-to-coast drive, we’re not biased and think it’s just about the best way to really explore and experience a place. It’s
perfect whether you have two days or two weeks, a family, a couple or just friends, and it’s been planned in advance or it’s just a spontaneous adventure (our personal favorite).
Over our years of road trip travel, we’ve learned a lot of travel lessons. Things such as you’re probably never going to learn a language, read 5 books, journal and paint while you’re on the road...so you should probably go ahead and just leave those items at home. You will, however, at some point, find yourself lost, with no cell phone service, no gas station in site, and scraping at the bottom of your snack bag for any last little crumbs. So, you know, bringing things like maps and extra snacks are kind of a good idea (Who knew?!).
All joking aside, we’ve definitely made a few mistakes and learned a few lessons, so now, we’ve got it down to a science aka the 10 things we always bring on a road trip (besides our luggage). Keep reading below to find out what we won’t hit the road without.
Individual Instant Coffee Packets //
Good coffee can sometimes be tough to find on the road, but since so many brands now make convenient to-go packets (and just about any fast food place will give you a hot cup of water), we now keep coffee packets with us on any road trip.
Gum //
Gum is always good to have on hand, especially with changing elevations to
prevent ears from popping. Oh, and bad breath. It helps with that, too ;)
Electrolyte Powder Packets //
Being on the road is dehydrating, so we like to bring
electrolyte packets to make the most out of every sip of water we take.
Beauty Essentials //
Sunscreen, chap stick, lotion and hand sanitizer, or, as I like to refer to them, “the fab four” come with us no matter where we go. Sunscreen is a given, of course, especially if you’re doing lots of outdoor activities. Chap stick and lotion are necessary for the dry skin and chapped lips that seem to accompany every trip. And, of
course, hand sanitizer is key, especially if you’re planning to be in and out of lots of tourist attractions.
An Old Bag //
I know this might sound odd at first, but we always have an old bag to corral trash into one spot, because riding in a messy and unorganized car is something no one wants on a road trip.
A Map //
It may be 2018, and a map may seem very old-school, but trust me, you need one…because you never know when you’re going to get lost + lose service at the same time.
Snacks //
We like to load up on snacks, especially ones that are healthy, non-perishable and filled with protein, such as almonds. Not only are they loaded with nutrients and high in protein (6 grams per one ounce serving), fiber (4 grams per one ounce serving) and good healthy monounsaturated fat (13 grams per one ounce serving), while also being low in sugar, they’re super crunchy, full of flavor and incredibly energizing. They’re also convenient for packing and you don’t have to worry about them making a mess (key for in the car snacking). Plus, just a small handful is all you need to fill you up (aka perfect for long drives without lots of stops).
Water //
I think this one should go without saying, but it’s important to stay hydrated on the road, so water is a must. We fill up a giant to-go pitcher, add lots of ice and then bring reusable water bottles or cups to fill up throughout our trip.
Reusable Straws + Silverware //
An easy way to make less trash while traveling is to bring reusable utensils. Plus, they’re a whole lot sturdier than the plastic ones available with most to-go options and environmentally friendly.
Instant Camera //
Perfect for capturing spontaneous and fun shots on the road, in other words, the true essence of what a road trip really is all about.
What’s something you always bring on a road trip? Please say snacks because I love hearing what everyone’s favorite road trip snacks are!
Speaking of which, if you leave a comment below with either your favorite road trip/travel snack OR favorite road trip/can’t-travel-without-it necessity, you’ll be entered to win a prize pack from California Almonds (prize includes roasted almonds, a single-serve almond tin {which is so perfect for on-the-go-snacking}, a reusable tote and a Tupperware meal container {also perfect for on-the-go eating}).
For additional entries, check out this Instagram post.
Giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all that participated.