Alyssa Ponticello // In Good Taste

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Honey, Peach + Jalapeño Spicy Simple Syrup


There is just about nothing I love more than a spicy cocktail, especially in the summertime. Spicy mezcal margs, if we’re being specific. But without a good spicy simple syrup said spicy cocktails would just be, well, plain old cocktails. Which is fine and all, if you’re into that sort of thing, but for me, I like to kick it up a notch and there is truly no better way to do that than a good spicy simple syrup. Especially a homemade one. And don’t let the homemade part deter you. This literally couldn’t be easier. It’s 4 ingredients, one pan and about 15 minutes. And the results are worth skipping store bought for every.single.time.


As the name implies, simple syrup is quite, well, simple. Generally it’s equal parts sugar and water, boiled until until the sugar dissolves and a thick syrup develops, perfect for sweetening cocktails.

For my recipe today, I’m taking the simple syrup concept and giving it a few simple twists. Instead of sugar I’m opting for honey, I’m adding in some peaches because it’s summertime so why not (but feel free to skip those or trade them for another type of summer fruit), and, most importantly, to achieve the ‘spicy’ in spicy simple syrup we’re adding in some jalapeños. They’ll infuse the syrup to give it that heat that’ll make it perfect for adding a little kick to any cocktail.


Don’t let the name fool you. Is this spicy simple syrup spicy? Of course. But hear me out. It’s super concentrated because you only use a little bit per drink and you’re never going to be drinking the syrup straight (at least I hope you won’t be haha), it’s always going to be mixed into a drink of some sort and diluted down. So, yes, the syrup itself is pretty spicy, but once it’s mixed into your drink of choice, I promise you’ll be left with nothing but the perfect level of spiciness.

That being said, there are a few ways to adjust the heat a bit to your liking. First, you can use more or less jalapeños. You can also use ones that are smaller (for less heat) or larger (for more heat). For less spicy, make sure your jalapeños are really green. Any with red or orange is a sure sign it’s going to be a spicier jalapeño. You can also remove the seeds to keep it more mild or add them in to keep things spicier. Lastly, the longer you let the peppers infuse the mixture, the spicier it will be, so for a less spicier syrup I recommend removing the peppers as soon as you remove the syrup from the heat.


Keeping in line with its name, the ingredients list for this spicy simple syrup is pretty darn simple.

WATER- The base for our simple syrup; lukewarm filtered or tap water works just fine.

HONEY- For this recipe, I’m swapping sugar for honey to sweeten and thicken up the syrup. It’s a little bit more of a natural flavor that compliments the peaches so nicely. However, you can definitely stick with the traditional simple syrup use of granulated sugar if you prefer, or try brown sugar for something that will more closely mimic the honey like flavor and will give your syrup a deeper amber color.

JALAPEÑOS- This is how the simple syrup is going to get its kick. Make sure you’re using fresh jalapeños. Also, this is a great way to use up any jalapeños that are about to turn (although, be warned that super ripe jalapeños will often result in a much spicier syrup).

PEACHES- I first developed this recipe in the middle of summer aka prime peach season. I wanted to make some spicy peach margaritas (recipe coming soon) and I happened to have some peaches that were about to go bad, so I figured why not throw them into the syrup too for a little extra sweetness. They ended up being the perfect addition to this syrup (just be sure to cut into slices) but it’s definitely not necessary so don’t sweat if you don’t have a peach on hand. Alternatively, feel free to add in another type of fruit instead, blueberries, blackberries, etc.


Keeping right in line with the simple theme, like the name and the ingredient list, making spicy simple syrup is pretty darn simple.

  1. Prep the jalapeño. Remove the stem and seeds (if you prefer). Then either cut it lengthwise, in half, or slice it into rounds.

  2. Pit the peach and cut it into slices.

  3. Add everything (water, honey, jalapeño, peach slices) to a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Cook it down for a few minutes, until the mixture reaches a nice syrup consistency.

  4. Remove the jalapeño for a milder syrup, or let it steep to get it extra spicy.

  5. Strain into a bottle.

  6. Add to a drink and live your spiciest cocktail life!


I think by now you’ve probably gathered that my favorite/the best way to use spicy simple syrup is in a cocktail. A spicy margarita is my drink of choice, but palomas and gimlets are also great options. You can also add a splash to champagne, or soda water for a non-alcoholic bubbly option. And speaking of non-alcoholic drinks, this spicy syrup is also a great way to jazz up lemonade or iced-tea.


I like to store my spicy simple syrup in a pop top bottle, but mason jars are another great option. Basically anything with an airtight seal will work well. Then pop it into the fridge and you’re good to go. When stored properly simple syrup will last for weeks, so make a big batch and then you’ll always have some ready to go for whenever the spicy cocktail craving hits.


  • 1 large jalapeño

  • 1 large peach

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 cup honey


  1. Prep the jalapeño. Remove the stem, then cut either lengthwise or slice into rounds. Leave the seeds if you want the syrup to be extra spicy, otherwise remove them.

  2. For the peach, remove the pit, then slice into wedges.

  3. Add the jalapeño, peach slices, water and honey to a saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat slightly and simmer for about 7-10 minutes, until the mixture has boiled down a bit into a thick syrup (you can always test thickness by dipping in a spoon, pulling it out and seeing if some of it remains on the back of the spoon…that’s usually a tel tale sign that it’s done).

  4. Remove from the heat. From here you can either strain the mixture immediately (for a more mild syrup), or allow it to continue steeping. You can steep as little as 20 minutes or until the mixture has cooled, for several hours or, even place it in the refrigerator and allow it to steep overnight. The longer you steep the spicier your syrup will be. Once you’ve steeped it for the desired amount of time, strain out the peaches and jalapeño and store the syrup in an airtight container (I like to use a pop top bottle or mason jar) in the refrigerator. If stored properly it will keep for about a month.


FOR A SPICIER SIMPLE SYRUP- Use 2-3 jalapeños instead of just 1, leave the seeds in and allow the syrup to steep longer.

FOR A MORE MILD SYRUP- Use a small jalapeño instead of a large one, remove the seeds, and strain the peppers out as soon as the mixture is done cooking.

PEACHES- The peach slices can be omitted, or you can try replacing them with a different fruit, or mix of fruits, instead. Think things like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. It’s a great way to use up any fruit, especially summer fruit, that’s about to go bad.

HONEY- You can swap the honey for granulated sugar or brown sugar (brown sugar will more closely mimic the honey like flavor and will give your syrup a deeper amber color).

THE STRAINED PEACHES + PEPPERS- Don’t throw them out! After being cooked in the honey mixture, they’re essentially candied and super delicious. Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator, then use them to top grilled meats or seafood, add to homemade salsas, mix into cornbread, etc.