Alyssa Ponticello // In Good Taste

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Happy Hour

{Firewood ready for cool fall nights}

Last weekend really started to feel like fall so I realized I really needed to let go of summer (noooooo). In an effort to do so I proceeded to cram all of the fall things I possibly could into the weekend. PSL's (her recipe is the , a pumpkin dutch baby, wearing sweaters & booties, lighting pumpkin candles, making chili and cornbread...I mean, pretty much the only thing missing was fall foliage and candy corn. But what can I say? I'm an all or nothing kind of girl.

How are you getting ready for fall?

{Pulling out my sweaters for the cooler temps (and also realizing I probably need a few more)}

{A picture of the moon that Mr. RC snapped last week}

{We finally made it to the Met rooftop and this view had me wondering why it took us so long}

{Pretty tomatoes at the farmers' market}

{I saw this quote on Jess's site a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to get it out of my mind since. I used to be more adventurous but I've gotten myself stuck in a horrible routine as of late. I'm definitely going to be working on being a bit more spontaneous and getting back to how I used to be.}