Alyssa Ponticello // In Good Taste

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Books + Blazers

They say don't judge a book by its' cover. And yet, it's only human nature that we all always do. A book title that seems to indicate infidelity and deceit, yet pages of words that reveal a story of pain and abuse. A non-descript cement wall that might as well be an abandoned factory or windowless jail, and yet, behind that rustic metal door, a Moroccan oasis (that looks like it's somewhere 10,000 miles away from Venice) awaits. The old man that dresses in the same worn sweatshirt every day, yet has millions in the bank. There are countless examples of things that aren't as they seem, yet we judge them on those very appearances anyways.

Which leads me to this t-shirt. A t-shirt that says rock and roll and maybe even a little rough around the edges. And yet, with a blazer and some sparkly earrings, it's suddenly dressed up and edgy. Similarly, a blazer appears poised and ready for work, but the Guns 'n Roses shirt beneath says dinner and drinks. While neither are a serious case of misjudgment, they're both examples of books whose covers were read all wrong.

The moral of the story? There's more than meets the eye to books, blazers and buildings. So, let's stop judging books by covers. And start wearing more rock n' roll tees. Oh, and let's definitely all stop mistaking window-less cement walls for dark cavernous depths of despair (aka if you missed clicking the link up above, seriously do yourself a favor and check out what's behind these non-descript walls where we shot today's outfit. Trust me, it will blow you away more than anything else you see this week!).